
Birthstone of the month – Diamond

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The word diamond has become synonymous with excellence, strength and extraordinary beauty. The earliest diamonds were mined in India, and a few fabled diamonds of Indian origin are still to be found in museums around the world. The origin of the word Diamond, however, is from the Greek “Adams” – a word that means “unconquerable”. This name undoubtedly refers to the unsurpassed strength of the stone – resisting abrasion, and surviving even fire. Awed by the ethereal brilliance of diamonds, the Greeks thought them to be tears shed by gods, while the Romans believed them to be little fragments of stars in the sky. Not surprisingly, the mystique of diamonds continues to inspire belief to this day; As birthstone of April, diamonds are believed to bring clarity, balance and will power to its wearer. Early diamond cuts were simplistic – today however, diamonds are cut and set to maximise their fiery brilliance. The same goes for shape – today, diamonds are available in a variety of shapes, from traditional rounds to fancy pears, ovals and marquises, romantic heart shapes and cushions, and fashionable geometric shapes like princess, ascher and radiant cuts. While diamonds are typically thought of as colourless, they actually do occur in a variety of colours, from rare and treasured red, blue and green diamonds, to the fashionable champagne diamonds, canary yellow diamonds, and even black diamonds! With the range and variety available, each diamond is unique and special in its own way, and no matter what your taste and preferences, there doubtless exists a diamond that is perfect for you.

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