What’s so special about the colour green? We see it everywhere, among the trees, flowers, and even the weeds. We also see it used as a symbol of safety in traffic signals. Green is vibrant and is integral to Nature. The wonderful part of this colour is the many shades of green, and each shade expresses newness, warmth, and shade and represents hope and new energy. Isn’t it natural that green gemstones will make an appearance in jewellery, for everyday wear, or for special occasions?
Different gemstones are used, all in green. They include emeralds, peridots, and jade. But, did you know there are also green sapphires and green diamonds? That’s right. Sapphires need not always be blue and diamonds, not always white or clear.
People choose green gemstones in their jewellery either because it matches a particular outfit or goes with a special occasion. They also buy them for the sheer love for the colour green. Whatever the reason, having different green-coloured stones make it easy to select the right shade of green to be set in jewellery you like to wear. Let’s take a look at the six green gemstones and find out how they make for beautiful jewellery.

Emeralds in your earrings and necklaces
Emeralds have been around for centuries. We have heard of emeralds being a large part of Cleopatra’s jewellery. Their value comes from the vividity of the colour – the deeper the colour, the higher its value. It is also rare to find an emerald without inclusions. Therefore, jewellers prefer to use them in stronger and more durable patterns, as in pendants or earrings. Emeralds are also symbols of love and fidelity. The Zevida gemstone necklace is a good example of how an emerald can be surrounded by small diamonds and still glow in a pendant. The Supreme Peacock gemstone pendant is striking and takes glam to a new level. Emeralds show brilliantly against a plain background because they don’t need any other colour to enhance their own.

Emerald earrings like the Diana Shine gemstone stud earrings are saved for special occasions because they look grand yet simple in design. Their beauty comes from the deep green in the centre. Similarly, the Cera Gemstone ring is a unique combination of green and gold with a touch of white.
Refer to: Elegant Heart Earrings for Women
Peridots in your rings
Peridots carry their own shade of green. Did you know that they are formed from volcanoes? They are much lighter than emeralds and still carry off the green gemstone look. A ring in white gold with peridot like the Halo peridot birthstone diamond ring can go with any outfit and can be a daily wear ring. Peridots can be used in Rings, pendants, charms, and earrings, too. The only hitch is that they are not as durable as other gemstones and can get scratched or cracked under extreme temperatures. You would want to use them only in certain jewellery designs.

Green sapphires in rings and earrings
Sapphires come in blues and greens. They are also considered the world’s most durable stones and can withstand a little roughhousing. Rings get banged about more often than necklaces or earrings. So, rings are usually made with more than aesthetics in mind. They need to handle bumps and scrapes as you move around doing your job. Using green sapphires in rings makes the most sense as the stones remain safe. There can be a few hues within green sapphires, such as olive green, yellow-green, and mint green. All these hues may make it a little hard to choose, but the spectrum only makes it more interesting. The Alfiya Bloom Diamond ring is striking in appearance, making it eye-catching jewellery.

Jade in Jewellery
Who hasn’t heard of jade! It is one of the green gemstones that were used 7000 years ago in China. The jadeite is considered greater in quality and value among jades, and the nephrite jade is less expensive. You can find jade used in statues and sculptures. Lucky for us, jade can also be used in jewellery and have a subtle and elegant look. Jades are used to make rings, bracelets, and pendants and are believed to bring good luck to the wearer.
Learn more about: Lightweight Gold Earrings (0-2 Grams)
Green diamonds
Coloured diamonds are rare as they are based on the chemicals, hydrogen, nitrogen, etc. found in the crystal structure. Irradiation treatments are used to give the stone more depth and colour, making green diamonds even more affordable.
Some green gemstones are more durable than others and can be used in any setting. Others are softer stones that can be used only for sturdier jewellery. But, in the hands of skilled artisans in CaratLane, you will find different shades of green gemstones set in unique jewellery you can’t resist!
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