Locket necklaces count amongst the most personal and emotional pieces of jewellery you could own. This historical piece of jewellery can be a testament to romance or even encapsulate your memories into a beautiful and nostalgic locket necklace. While there are endless options you can explore to capture the perfect moment; you may find that the design of the piece itself isn’t as unique as you would like it to be. Fortunately, there are options to stand out against the generic diamond pendant category.
Are you ready to find the perfect locket that represents your unique individuality? Would you like your locket jewellery to be at a level of sophistication and elegance on its own? If so, read on to find out how you can upgrade your alphabet or locket necklace to be superior to any other similar piece of jewellery.
Choose any aesthetic
Locket necklaces can be custom-made to suit their wearers. Whether you are a man or a woman, you can find a design that is appropriate. Feminine locket necklaces feature elaborate designs and colourful gemstones that accentuate your womanly charm. Masculine locket necklaces feature more basic elements that look edgy and lend themselves well to a more rugged aesthetic. Alternatively, there are locket or alphabet necklaces that are unisex and will look good on anyone. We live in a time when jewellery is not restricted to one gender. There is freedom in making personal choices, and there are jewellery designs that cater to all tastes. You have unlimited options for choosing the right locket necklace that suits you perfectly.

Tell a story
Locket necklaces are more than simple pieces of jewellery. They are the physical embodiment of a story or memory. To honour your story into a piece of living history, you have a wide variety of choices. Traditionally, locket necklaces have been a celebration of love and romance. They may carry a small picture but tell a meaningful story. It can showcase a moment, one with a loved family member or the love of your life. You can, however, choose to capture any significant moment in your life. You do not have to be limited by simple heart-shaped lockets and can instead opt for more intriguing designs like a spiral locket.
The power of photography
A great way to upgrade your locket necklace is by highlighting the photograph you choose to use in your locket. Instead of simply placing a cut-out of your picture inside the locket, you can opt for innovative designs that highlight and feature your photograph in unique and dazzling ways. For example, you can have your photo embedded inside the central gem of your jewellery piece. It adds a charming sparkle when the gemstone pendant catches the light and elevates your photograph with additional intrigue. Your photograph will be visible when held close to your eyes or when just the right amount of light permeates the gemstone.
You can choose any photograph you like, but to get the best results, you may want to pick one that has a high resolution. However, due to the small size, a lot of details can get lost if you are not careful. It is better to choose a photograph that has a clear subject rather than multiple subjects, which can become confusing when the picture is scaled down.
Suit any occasion
Whether you are a mother wanting to keep her kids close to her heart or perhaps a son who wants to honour the memory of a loved one passing away, you don’t have to worry if you’re making the wrong choice. You do not have to compromise with outdated and boring designs. Whether it’s a heartstring pendant to honour love or a medallion silver necklace to honour a memory, your locket necklace can suit any occasion. By carefully selecting the correct details, you can elevate your locket necklace to truly celebrate the moment in time you choose to capture within your locket necklace.

Alphabet locket necklace
Did you know that you can have an alphabet necklace with a locket, too? That’s right. You can wear a personalised necklace with a small locket that contains a memory. The alphabet necklaces are popular for a reason. They allow you to wear the initials of a loved one or their full name engraved on the locket. You get a two-in-one piece of jewellery to adorn your neck and have your favourite memory close to your heart. Who could ask for more!
The Personalised gemstone pendant is perfectly suited to be made into a locket. So is the Hannah Love gold pendant. Both of these can become lockets with just a slight change. All you need is a jewellery designer who will understand your sentiment and craft a locket pendant engraved with the initial of the person’s photograph or some memento contained within the locket.
Step into CaratLane and tell them what you want. You can also look at the various designs online and get a few ideas to add to the necklace of your choice. Be it an alphabet necklace or a locket, or a combination of the two; it is time to own your unique piece of jewellery.
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